Constantly Wanted:

Well written short stories with a word count of up to 1,500.


Visit the new web-site of Platinum Page!

Platinum Page


Please leave a comment in my guestbook after reading my blog. It's nice to know what you think!

Sunday, 28 February 2010


With only four hours to go, it looks like the winning subject for the first special edition of Platinum Page is going to be... Letters!

Who will you write to? A family member, a newspaper, a friend, a stranger, a vicar, a councillor? Is your letter one of love, sadness, complaint, happy, news?

Lets have those letters sent to me at the usual email address, or by snail mail.

Happy writing!

Tuesday, 23 February 2010

New Writing North

I have had an email this morning from Liv at New Writing North. She will try to mention Platinum Page in the next New Writing North newsletter, which will be out on the 5th March.

Great news!

Wednesday, 17 February 2010

Freelance Market News

Details of Platinum Page will be going into the April edition of the Freelance Market News.

This is more excellent news, and I'm looking forward to the response that I get from all of this exposure.

Tuesday, 16 February 2010

La Scala short story competition

Equine/countryside is the theme for this short story competition. Word count is up to 2,000, closing date is 15th May 2010, and the fee to enter is £5.00. The total prize pot is worth over £1,000.

For further details, please go to:

Monday, 15 February 2010

Pen names

I'm interested in why people use pen names. Do you have a pen name? If so, why? How did you decide on your chosen name?

Sunday, 14 February 2010

Interesting poll!

Thank you to everyone who is voting in the poll! Letters seems to be the favorite choice at the moment :)

Keep the votes coming in... but in the meantime...
Send me your letters!

Friday, 12 February 2010

Writers News Update

The article on Platinum Page will be in the April issue, which goes on sale on the 4th of March.


Thursday, 11 February 2010

Hexham Courant Update

The feature on Platinum Page will not appear until next week. A little disappointing, so I'll just have to take Northumberland by storm next week instead.

Stay tuned!

Tuesday, 9 February 2010

Another comment

I received my copy yesterday and was delighted to see that one of my poems, The Winds of Winter Blew Their Blast, had been included. It´s always a thrill to see your work published, and even more so in a creative writing magazine as you are conscious that the quality of what you have written has been deemed good enough to be read by your peers. I am certain that Platinum Page will continue to grow and find its foothold in a niche market and more writers discover a magazine where they can be given opoportunities to improve their writing skills. Vivienne has done a a brilliant job in launching the magazine in these difficult times and each issue is better than the last, and I feel very proud to be in at the start of something special. Well done vivienne, you deserve all the praise you have received in this blog site. A huge hug from Spain :-)

David Urion.

Monday, 8 February 2010

Writers Groups

Writers Groups all over the North East should be opening letters tomorrow morning, from me, telling them all about Platinum Page.

I'm looking forward to seeing the interest I've generated!

Sunday, 7 February 2010

A nice surprise

I have just read a poem that the writer said was from inspiration from the photograph that I took which is at the bottom of my blog.

How lovely to think I inspired it!

Thank you Ray.

A Comment

Dear Vivienne
I received your Magazine Saturday enjoyed all the stories and poems the cover photos terrific my grand daughter said they have the wow factor I would love to walk through the woods you could possibly see deer if you are quiet

By R.J. Newcastle

Friday, 5 February 2010

In the pipeline...

Thinking ahead, to having a special edition coming out, I've been thinking of different themes to have for the first one...

Poems, very popular with a lot of people - including me
Stories for Children, might be good for grandparents, parents and childminders
Letters, Dear... sounds interesting - who is the letter to and why?
Shopping, my favorite hobby
Memoirs, something you'll always remember - or something you wish you could forget...

If anyone has anything suitable for any of these, please send them to me and I'll start files off.

When I have enough submissions, I'll bring out a 'special'!

Post Office

I have the third edition in hand... I will be posting it out this morning. Hope everyone enjoys it :)

Happy reading!

Thursday, 4 February 2010

Hexham Courant newspaper

I have just finished speaking to a reporter from the Hexham Courant, who is going to do a feature on Platinum Page in next week's edition! The newspaper photographer is coming out tomorrow to 'shoot' me! The feature will not only be in the newspaper, but also on the Hexham Courant web-site, in the local section of Prudhoe.

Very exciting!

Wednesday, 3 February 2010

Writers News

I'm delighted to say that the Writers News are planning to doing a feature article on Platinum Page in their next publication. How very exciting! I will post more information as it follows...

Proof Copy

I'm pleased to say, I have seen the proof copy of the third edition of Platinum Page, and it's looking great! Can't wait to get the copies and post them out!

An inspired poem

Dear Vivienne
inspiration from your blog picture
A Camera’s Eye View

Looking into a picture, starting from top left
The crows nests in the tree tops, gray sky’s causing silhouettes.

Following down the left hand edge, bare branches topped with snow
Tree trunks for all of us to see, as black as any crow.

Houses nestled in the woodland, roofs and chimneys tall
The evergreen of the fir trees, masking most, but not them all.

Let the eye drop down the river bank, small bushes all aglow
Standing proudly in the ground, topped off with winter snow.

The shallow water still and silent, bed rocks sticking through
Dark reflections of the trees, and individual branches too.

Suddenly a burst of light, of sunshine and of blue
Reflected in the river Tyne, intended just for you.

Feel that inspiration, as you stare in fascination
I’m glad you took your camera, and captured this creation

Ray Johnson.
looking forward to the mag best wishes