Constantly Wanted:

Well written short stories with a word count of up to 1,500.


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Tuesday, 23 March 2010

A sneak preview...

The April/May edition of Platinum Page has some fabulous fiction, and poems to make you think...

For those of you with a sweet tooth, we kick off with The Half Made Jelly, and the decisions of a busy mother.

Two poems follow, from different poets, all the way from Spain.

Anyone been to Brooklyn Bridge? Steve Taylor has... and remembers it well!

A bus ride taken on a Bank Holiday, in rhyming form...

The Power of Love shows it's strength in a lovely story from Rob Innis.

A poem of Vultures comes next, but not of the bird variety...

Next up is a story about a man who has a job to finish...

Chess... anyone play the game?

Delicious and Fattening... a poem to make you hungry!

Teenage boys friendships... a testing time for two boys.

Continuing the serial Face the Music and Dance, Guy moves to Chelsea.

And ending with a fantastic story about how strong a mother's love is.

I hope everyone enjoys this issue, and please let me have your comments and thoughts.



  1. Sounds fabulous! I cant wait to order my copy!

  2. It's out now!
    You can order from the new web-site!


An inspired poem

Dear Vivienne
inspiration from your blog picture
A Camera’s Eye View

Looking into a picture, starting from top left
The crows nests in the tree tops, gray sky’s causing silhouettes.

Following down the left hand edge, bare branches topped with snow
Tree trunks for all of us to see, as black as any crow.

Houses nestled in the woodland, roofs and chimneys tall
The evergreen of the fir trees, masking most, but not them all.

Let the eye drop down the river bank, small bushes all aglow
Standing proudly in the ground, topped off with winter snow.

The shallow water still and silent, bed rocks sticking through
Dark reflections of the trees, and individual branches too.

Suddenly a burst of light, of sunshine and of blue
Reflected in the river Tyne, intended just for you.

Feel that inspiration, as you stare in fascination
I’m glad you took your camera, and captured this creation

Ray Johnson.
looking forward to the mag best wishes